Thursday, November 18, 2010

~~From GOOD to GREAT...

Allah berfirman.....
"Wahai nabi, suruhlah isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu dan perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuhnya (semasa mereka keluar), cara yang demikian lebih sesuai bagi mereka untuk dikenali (sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik) maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu. dan ingatlah Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani..."

Assalamualaikum guys n may Allah bless all of you..(",)
topic for today i've decided to share to all of you about aurat...^^ as a Muslim of course we need to cover our aurat...

What is Aurat?
What "aurat" means actually? I tried checking the dictionary to find what is "aurat" in english since "aurat" is an Arabic word. And I also tried checking the english Quran translator to find what is "aurat" called in english..So what I found is that "aurat" in Quran is called the "ornament" (24:31), "shame" (7:26) and so on in english.. Well, literally "aurat" comes from the word "aurah" in Arabic which means shame and humility(please tell me if I'm wrong). And basically it means certain part of the body that we need to cover from others to see..
why we should close our aurat? from logic, Aurat is very closed to sexuality. For instance, when a man see the navel, the thigh, the breast, the buttock or the beautiful hair of a woman, the man will surely got excited and his lust will start to control him. And this is what Islam don't want because when the lust start to control a person, he will surely lost his mind..But hey, some women said that why must we closed our hair? Well, we never know what a person like to see. Sometime a man can get excited by just seeing some blond hair. So, in Islam, we like to take prevention since prevention is better than cure..

i also not a perfect women actually...but i still try to change from good to great....from great to greatest... Alhamdulillah...i close my aurat but its that a good enought? i also dont know....if i close my aurat, is that means that i cant wear fashionable blouse or shirts? should i just wear bj kurung, muslimah tshirt n also jubah?  did i need to use niqab? ^^ InsyaAllah... a women that is always care about her aurat is more beautiful than others... Innamal a'amalu binniat...apa yang kita lakukan mestilah didahulukan dengan niat...(",)
so friends...lets change together to get redha from Allah... as i have said...i also not a perfect women... a lot of mistakes that i have done in my life... but i think not too late to change right? as the air lending to be yours, you still have the time...^^

buddy...i need supports from all of you...^^ because i love you so much! hehe... okey then...maassalamah~.

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